Open An Account

Opening an account online is easy and secure.

Here are our online account options
  • Regular Investment Account (individual or joint)
  • Traditional IRA (except rollovers/transfers)
  • Roth IRA (except rollovers/transfers)

To open an account, please click on the link below. Once you complete the online registration process, we will transfer money from your bank account to fund your new account.

The process takes approximately 5 minutes.

Open A New Account

Before proceeding, please have the following ready:

  • Your Social Security Number
  • Your bank account and bank routing number (located on a check from your checking account or a deposit slip from your savings account)
  • The names, dates of birth, and Social Security Numbers of any account beneficiaries (for IRAs only)

Please Note: Once you start the online registration process, you should completely finish it before leaving the site. If you leave the site, the information you entered will not be saved and you will need to begin again. Thank you for investing with the Green Century Funds.

For all other account types (including IRA rollovers and transfers), or if you would prefer to open an account by mail, request to have materials mailed to you or download the account forms online.