About Green Century

What Sets Us Apart

More than 30 years ago, a group of environmental and public health nonprofits created Green Century Funds to help people save for their future without compromising their values. We were one of a handful of pioneers who practiced this simple concept in the socially responsible investing space.

Green Century provides a way for investors to align their investments with their values by keeping their money out of the most irresponsible industries.  By avoiding the companies that have created our most pressing environmental challenges, you can feel good about your choices.

Three Key Strategies

Sustainable Investments

We help people invest their money and exclude environmentally harmful industries. This way, investments grow without propping up fossil fuel industries, weapons, tobacco, and other industries that do not align with investor’s values.

A sustainable investment strategy that incorporates environmental, social, and governance criteria may result in lower or higher returns than an investment strategy that does not include such criteria.

Photo by Quino Al on Unsplash

Shareholder Advocacy

Our award-winning Shareholder Advocacy team takes on global corporations and convinces them to adopt policies and accountability on issues that improve our lives and protect the environment.

Last season, our team met with top executives at 54 companies and secured 26 policy changes.

Mission-Driven Owners

Since 1991, every dollar Green Century earns managing its Funds supports our nonprofit owners and their work. This unique aspect makes Green Century a truly distinctive firm, even among other firms that offer sustainable investing strategies.

Our owners are advocates who have championed changes to create more recycling and less waste, cleaner air, and renewable energy.

Our Leadership in Responsible Investing

Signatory, Working Group Member

The UN PRI is the world’s leading proponent of responsible investment.

Board of Directors & Firm Member

Green Century Funds President Leslie Samuelrich completed her second term on U.S. SIF’s Board of Directors. Green Century Funds Erin Gray holds a seat on U.S. SIF’s Conference Agenda Committee.

Investor Network on Climate Risk and Sustainability Member

A network of more than 120 institutional investors representing more than $15 trillion in assets to address climate change and other sustainability risks.

Tobacco Free Portfolio Pledge Member since 2021

Signatories to the pledge commit to protect and restore biodiversity through their financial activities and investments.

Recognized as the first firm in the U.S. that avoids investing in nuclear weapons by winner of the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize