Andrea Ranger: That’s right. The CEO Just Called Me.
Life as a shareholder advocate can be unpredictable – some of my work has a consistent flow, but I certainly wasn’t expecting an impromptu call from a CEO. Green Century° […]
We Just Experienced the Hottest Week Ever Recorded in History…
The first week of July, 2023 was the hottest week on record, according to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). This is following the hottest June on record. The WMO released […]
Why U.S. Insurance Companies Keep Covering Fossil Fuels – and What We’re Doing About It
Many investors – and especially Green Century Funds° investors – can imagine a safer, healthier fossil fuel-free future. That’s why Green Century’s advocates work to convince companies to reduce greenhouse […]
What is the Difference Between Sustainability & Impact Investing?
Green Century Funds believes that sustainable and responsible investing avoids environmentally harmful industries and this can be done in most public and private investments and in many asset classes. Impact […]
Green Century Funds Renews Support for World No Tobacco Day on May 31
This week marks World No Tobacco Day, an annual event on May 31st that raises awareness on the dangers of using tobacco and the business practices of tobacco companies. Green […]
Q&A: Investors warn of the risks of inaction on plastics
Green Century has worked in recent years to push food, beverage and personal care brand companies to reduce their plastic packaging, develop more packaging reuse programs and introduce more transparent […]
What is Shareholder Advocacy & Why is it Important
A popular term in the investment industry right now is shareholder advocacy, but what is considered shareholder advocacy and why has it become such a hot button topic? Shareholder advocacy […]
What is the Definition of Fossil Fuel and Fossil Fuel-Free
Oil, gas, coal, and other fossil fuels are some of the world’s main energy sources, yet the environmental impact of extracting, burning, and transporting these fuels cannot be ignored. The […]
What ESG is and What it isn’t
ESG, which stands for environmental, social and governance, is quite possibly the most celebrated, attacked and misunderstood tool for asset managers in the last decade. What really is ESG and […]
Gigi Norcross: Some things come full circle.
I recently had the opportunity to attend the Episcopal Parish Network’s (EPN) annual conference in Jacksonville, Fla. The EPN works to empower local ministries to address economic uncertainty, persistent racial […]